In Pursuit of Money

Quite often, I hear/witness people talking or being impressed by someone’s lifestyle, house, swanky car. Or even get impressed by looking at someone’s regularly updated international holiday pictures on social media. And consider them as happy. On the other hand, few souls are declared losers outrightly who do not have big booty to spend.

I too get swayed into those discussions either with a pre-determined mind set to disapprove their awe with the by-products of money. Or I just try to ignore those hollow and meaningless conversations altogether (it’s a very recent development in me ;), mind it.

How it begins? This question always puzzled me, as after sometime, one really does not need heaps of money for basics. That’s another debatable aspect as everyone’s definition of basic amenities differs. Fair enough.

So, getting back to the point, where and how it begins? I feel it starts right in one’s childhood, when kids are given piggy banks as gifts and importance to keep them safe. Compromise on values is acceptable to quite a few, but not any monetary loss. This is purely my observation.

Pattern in Conversations

Off late, I do attempt to draw patterns out of people’s conversation. At the end of the day, one can be primarily understood by the verbal communication and the person’s actions. It’s a very interesting topic to dive into at times. The more I keenly observed the patterns through conversations, the more I realized that people equate money with happiness and success.

And an interesting discovery (for me at least), that people do start their journeys in pursuit of happiness/success/peace.  But they stock, stalk and stack money more.
In doing so, many a times, they lose out on values, relationships and happiness. And in haste or to cover up, they bribe their own self with those stacks of money, to use one fine day.

Unfortunately, most of them get entangled so much in problems due to shaken value system, strained relationships and skewed definition of happiness. Resultingly, that keenly stalked money is not used, the way it was intended. And that fine day never comes.

Six Traits of Money Stalkers

I, often find those souls who have maximum perks or to say by-products of unaccounted money:

  • are firm believers of superstition,
  • blind followers of some ideology,
  • astronomy makes maximum sense to them,
  • believe that luck has bigger role than your own efforts in your happiness,
  • they might not help someone with education/feeding regularly, but will donate lots in the name of religion/faith,
  • barter logic with faith more.

Disclaimer: This write up is purely my perspective about people’s attachment to money. It does not imply in any sense of the word or the world that I hate money. It is an absolutely integral enabler for the fulfillment of needs. Yet, I don’t lose sleep over it as well by Almighty’s grace.

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