The Untapped Potential: Mothers of Toddlers

Mother Of Toddlers

Relief seems to be returning to the mother’s physical and mental state. Once the infant starts to crawl, stand and walk, starts eating semi-solids to solids, and develops proper sleep patterns. This is a time when mothers, who are physically occupied in running after a toddler, starts to think about their ‘me’ time. This ‘me’ time has a different meaning for each mother.

  • Few go for physical overhauling in a saloon or plan holiday;
  • Many go for emotional rejuvenation by gossiping and spending time with friends;
  • Few also start thinking about the career comeback;
  • Whereas few also start getting suggestions to plan for another child.

This is also a time, when these mothers start doing research about engagement of their child. Either in a nearby play group, day cares or prospective schools. And this decision calls for an in-depth clarity of parental priority, an introspection of their resources (time and money precisely). It also throws light on another very crucial decision whether to go for another child or not.

Why Mother of Toddlers become Target Audience

During this time, mothers already do become the perfect target customer for a host of activities for toddlers from play groups to day cares to formal schools. Therefore, a mother with already a cluttered mind, limited time and resources, does her research work to productively engage her child in an optimal manner.

So, from where and how to begin this research. Off late, with the sporadic growth of digital platforms, variety of blogging platforms and groups on Facebook and WhatsApp, parents are able to connect and seek advice from each other.

Top 4 Beneficiaries 

Still, mother of toddlers continue to be one large, unorganized and untapped group among the young parents, which has huge potential. So, how can this potential be tapped and who benefits? The following are the top four beneficiaries if the potential is tapped besides the happy mother:

  • Day Cares. Well maintained, optimally staffed, and reasonably priced ones can actually make huge benefit.
  • Kids Activity Aggregators. A lot of kids activities for kids between 2-4 years i.e. toddlers like painting, swimming, singing, musical instruments (Tabla, Piano, Sitar, flute, Drums) learning, dancing, skating, karate, book reading sessions, hand writing, clay modelling etc can be roped in by aggregators area wise. Parents will flock around if logistic convenience and pricing is handled reasonably.
  • Care Taker Agencies. Agencies, which can provide trained care takers for 6- 12 hours to take care and engage children at a reasonable pricing, can be a huge business.
  • Corporates. They will be the biggest beneficiaries, if they collaborate with above mentioned. It will be like a huge attraction for women who can make an early comeback. Not just it will enable mothers of toddlers to make a comeback, but it will also bring benefit of low attrition and retention of quality and loyal employees.

When a well educated woman is productively engaged with flexibility, it not only brings financial benefit to the family, but also satisfaction of the mother goes up and the happiness scale of the family may go up considerably.

Such a mother becomes a great source of generation of employment for many more people in her ecosystem.



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