First Ever Malayali Movie For Me

Malayali Movie- 2021

I sniff stories everywhere.

I watch, feel, devour, and savor stories in every possible sense, I have been blessed with. So, that is one. How and what did I sense in this story, which has been told so fabulously.🤛

Suggestions for this movie – came from my brother, who rarely recommends a movie that too in a language, which we both siblings are incompetent to understand. We both have one thing in common that we have been mentored by stories/classics/movies in our own ways.

SUBTITLES – My Rescuer

So, subtitles are my go to tool to even watch any English/foreign language movie 😂 (See, I can’t keep pace with their speaking pace n accent). So watching a movie in Malayali – was only possible through these savior streaming platforms like Amazon Prime, this time too with sub-titles in English.

Most of the actors in this movie, Kuruthi had dug their teeth so intensely in to the character that their eyes were enough on many occasions.
Each frame had so many stories to tell. I tried choosing n hoping this would go forward to affirm my line of thinking. And the very next frame shattered my hope and renewed my soul in such an unexpected way that I also got also curious about me, NOW.🤗


And the eclectic juice of master storytelling – in movie ‘Kuruthy’ is like a luke warm liquid spreading in your cold body on a teeth shattering wintery night.

Folks, this story is sheer craft – holding an insanely compassionate mirror to humanity, sensitivity, and tons of HATE.

It is possible for everyone to take away something from it. I have decided for me.

My takeaway is to disown hate each day from my own being.

Each of us as a citizen of this world, country, state, community, region, has to take a stand relentlessly.

Few days might be dull or bad, perhaps intolerable.

However, each of us have an authority of our mind & body; and the responsibility to take that action

of disowning hate by owning hope every single time.

After reading all this, if you feel called to – do spare time to watch it. You decide for yourself.👍

It opened my heart in many ways ❤️

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