Dance with Fire

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Dancing to the tunes of dreams of ancestors is like drinking a cough syrup, which has passed its expiry date or consuming a white milk bread, which has turned green with fungus.

Do not let yourself feel bottled up like a soda bottle, whose fizz just keeps suffocating in the bottle neck or a pressure cooker, whose lid hasn’t been placed properly.
Let your breath, being and ideas feel like freshly whipped cream or a seed, which tears the earth as a sapling.
Give yourself and your life the liberty to have a full and wholesome bite of a crispy, juicy apple of your choice from an orchard overloaded with different kinds of apple varieties.
Learn to be yourself, be patient with yourself. And learn not to barter your respect for elders/ancestors with your happiness.
– Pravachan penned down by Rukhsar Saleem

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