‘Whereabouts’ by Jhumpa holds you like a Mirror

#BookReview # JhumpaLahiri #Wherebouts

First a tale or series of tales in a book is told by an author. Once the book is out, then each reader has its own journey with the book.

This books whispered to my soul in the strangest way that each reader tells more about itself, when they tell about the book.

In my usual pattern of starting to read a book at night, I picked this one too, on one of the nights last week.

After few chapters, I felt author not just liberated herself but somehow she also liberated me as reader to make a journey parallely with in me as well as the with author.

What Book Did To Me.

I felt looking around my surroundings, assessing my relationship with people around me, introspecting needs or wants in my life.

And from now on, I might be found looking at things with attention or stopping midway in thick conversations – just to be more mindful, which I found so intriguing.

I felt my life has people, chapters, where necessarily they are not linked or have any connections despite being in my vicinity everyday.


It was such an overwhelming and powerful state to realise, when I am at a stage in where people in my left, right and centre of heart have tasted death in most most unceremonious manner. This book spoke to my fragmented self, made me stand still and look at my feet, and held me with compassion to look at the horrors unfolding in front of me. It held me like a mirror in front of me, where I am bound to see myself in my current state.

Maybe, after years, If I ever pick this book, I might feel differently as I might have moved on a journey to some different stage of my life.

Jhumpa Lahiri’sWhereabouts‘ is definitely a worth read on many accounts.

And as an aspiring writer and a storyteller, I found this book immensely powerful as I was able to shift enormous pressure from myself of stringing beads (stories) into one grand plot.

I feel free n floating with hope for my expression of being.

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